Okotoks Filmmaker Meet-up - February
Member Price
General Admissions Price
Earlybird Discount
About this Event
Join like-minded people for a causal visit and some good food at the Monthly Filmmaker Meetup
Join us for In-Person networking and Fun at HUBTOWN BREWING in Okotoks. (Try the new Chicko Chicken across the street and bring you food to the brewery)
We want to meet filmmakers in town and film enthusiasts. We talk about movies, film festivals, acting, events going on in town, and whatever comes up each month!
All are welcome, just cover your own tab.
Date and Time
07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Hub Town Brewing, Elizabeth Street, Okotoks, AB, Canada
Grab Chicken from Chicko Chicken if you want a meal to go with and bring it over)